Bug 335047 - "Clear Scrollback and Reset" menu make the prompt to disappear
Summary: "Clear Scrollback and Reset" menu make the prompt to disappear
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 2.12.4
Platform: Debian testing Linux
: NOR minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
: 346086 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2014-05-19 19:55 UTC by NuageBleu
Modified: 2018-02-17 17:55 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

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Description NuageBleu 2014-05-19 19:55:34 UTC
When using the menu "Clear Scrollback and Reset", all is cleared nicely. But then the full konsole is empty, no prompt visible.
- If you type any char, then it comes back, and the prompt is visible again.
- This issued is not happening with a simple "reset". Still the reset is very slow (about 1000ms).
- This doesn't recover by changing tab or windows.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open an konsole
2. Hit "Clear Scrollback and Reset" (or ctrl-shift-k)
Actual Results:  
full konsole windows is blank

Expected Results:  
see the first prompt line

Reported as minor, but it's still pretty important for developers...
Comment 1 Christoph Feck 2014-06-10 21:23:18 UTC
I am wondering if Konsole needs to issue a special input sequence to bash to force it to redraw the prompt (like, e.g. a terminal resize notification).
Comment 2 NuageBleu 2014-06-11 08:01:52 UTC
This is a regression, as this was working with previous versions of Konsole (KDE3).
Comment 3 Nikos Chantziaras 2014-06-13 16:33:50 UTC
This was reported in the past in bug 242110 and it was fixed. Now it's back.
Comment 4 fglopez 2014-07-21 03:50:12 UTC
I am also suffering this regression over Konsole 2.13.2 on a Kubuntu Trusty amd64 box.

It's really annoying ...
Comment 5 Matt Hoover 2014-09-22 20:47:23 UTC
Also reported in the past in bug 250212, so this is at least the second time the bug has come back to life.

And I am experiencing it in Trusty, KDE 4.13.3.  Very small issue but somehow just big enough to be annoying. :-)
Comment 6 Matt Hoover 2014-09-22 23:42:45 UTC
Found a workaround!

Create a global shortcut that sends this keyboard input to the active application:


Press that in Konsole and it will work as expected.  What is does is
1) perform the broken command
2) type a random letter (f)
3) type backspace

This should restore your command line to whatever status it was at before you executed the broken command.

Of course, I doubt you can use Ctrl+Shift+K for this shortcut as you'd get recursion (unless you first change the shortcut inside of Konsole to something different).  Hope that helps some of the sufferers.
Comment 7 Kurt Hindenburg 2015-04-11 23:38:47 UTC
*** Bug 346086 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Jaak Ristioja 2015-06-02 09:34:32 UTC
For some reason, I also have this bug now. I'm not sure exactly when this first occurred, but I was running KDE 4.14.6, 4.14.7 or 4.14.8.
Comment 9 Jaak Ristioja 2015-06-02 09:36:15 UTC
Btw, this occurs with Yakuake as well.
Comment 10 Jaak Ristioja 2015-06-02 11:03:31 UTC
Upon some research it appears that the problem I'm experiencing appears to be described in https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/konsole-devel/2014-November/022801.html and seems to be related to the upgrade from readline-6.2/bash-4.2 to readline-6.3/bash-4.3 with the SIGWINCH being sent to the foreground process by konsole(part) no longer being handled by readline-6.3.

Currently the workaround for users appears to be to use Ctrl+Shift+K followed by Ctrl+L. The latter is a readline command to clear the screen leaving the current line at the top of the screen (search `man 1 bash` for clear-screen).
Comment 11 3ndymion 2015-08-07 08:16:18 UTC
I have this bug in Fedora 22 KDE.  Clear scrollback and reset causes the terminal screen to remain blank until you type another key.  Only then will the prompt return.  This never happened with KDE 4.
Comment 12 Ahmad Samir 2018-02-17 17:55:11 UTC
Unfortunately KDE4/Konsole4 is no longer maintained.

(This bug seems to crop up every now and then, FTR the "current" report is tracked in bug 365893).