Bug 333241 - Scripts are not read/saved and add program crashes
Summary: Scripts are not read/saved and add program crashes
Alias: None
Product: systemsettings
Classification: Applications
Component: kcm_autostart (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR major
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Laurent Montel
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Reported: 2014-04-09 18:32 UTC by Luiz Angelo De Luca
Modified: 2014-05-22 18:51 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Luiz Angelo De Luca 2014-04-09 18:32:52 UTC

I'm using systemsetting v 4.95.0 in kf5.

Kf5 seems to read what was present in kde4 (one time import or they look at the same location?). However, only programs are read. No scripts are present, even after adding them to kde4.

In kf5, if I add a new script, it simply looses it when it exists. Also, the "select file" component does not read what the file dialog selects.

In kf5, if I add a new program, it crashes

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
a) adding programs
1. open systemsettings
2. autostart
3. add a program

b) adding scripts
1. open systemsettings
2. autostart
3. add a script
4. type manually (do not use the open dialog)
5. close autostart
6. open autostart

c) adding scripts using file dialog
1. open systemsettings
2. autostart
3. add a script
4. click on "open file dialog" button
5. select a script
6. ok
Actual Results:  
4. crash

7. no script is present

7. no script is selected in the "select file" box

Expected Results:  
4. no crash

7. added scripts is present

7. file dialog fills the "select file" box
Comment 1 Luiz Angelo De Luca 2014-05-22 18:51:17 UTC
Fixed. Now I guess there is only the bug 333793