Bug 333224 - Cannot log in to Facebook chat anymore
Summary: Cannot log in to Facebook chat anymore
Alias: None
Product: telepathy
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 0.8.0
Platform: Kubuntu Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: Future
Assignee: Telepathy Bugs
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Reported: 2014-04-09 05:36 UTC by Michael
Modified: 2014-04-19 01:22 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Michael 2014-04-09 05:36:22 UTC
Months ago, I used to be able to chat via Facebook chat in KDE Telepathy. Now Telepathy keeps asking me to "Please Enter Your Account Password".

I've tried _numerous_ times and triple-checked my password. I've removed the Facebook account and re-added it again to see if that would help. I've tried all of the "Security Settings" options in the "Advanced Options" window with no help. 

All my other Gmail, Yahoo IM, and AIM chat accounts work in Telepathy.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open KDE Telepathy Contact List.
2. Tick the checkbox next to my username@chat.facebook.com account
3. Enter my password in the password dialog box, wait while it says "Connecting" and then get re-asked again for the password.
4. The only option is to cancel.
Actual Results:  
No connection to the Facebook chat server.

Expected Results:  
It should indicate Connected next to the Facebook chat account.

I've just upgraded from Kubuntu 13.10 -> 14.04 (64-bit) to see if this would help matters, but no.

KDE 4.12.97 (essentially 4.13 beta)
Comment 1 David Edmundson 2014-04-10 09:57:45 UTC
Normal thing here is a wrong username. 
Another thing that can happen is if Facebook can randomly block you; sometimes if you switch country it does this for some reason. 

Finally make sure you have a new version of teleapthy-gabble there was a bug once where Facebook's server sent bad data which we didn't handle very well.

If you run ktp-debugger then look in the tab marked "gabble" it might have some useful output. (you can send us that log, but note it may contain personal information)

Feel free to send me a copy of this log; but note it will have your address, their address and potentially any messages sent from any jabber connections.
Comment 2 Michael 2014-04-11 09:24:43 UTC
Thanks to your suggestions, I found the problem, but it's not immediately intuitive.

If you go to this link:


...and click the "Turn Off Platform" button, then Telepathy will *never* connect to Facebook chat. However, if you turn the platform back on, then Telepathy will log in and work as expected.

If the platform is turned off, according to Facebook: "This means you can't use the Facebook integrations on third party apps or websites. If you want to use these apps and websites with Facebook, turn Platform back on." 

"Turning Platform back on resets related settings (such as your "Apps others use" setting) and allows Facebook to receive information about your use of third party apps and websites."

I didn't realize that me wanting to limit the way that Facebook connects to other websites would affect Telepathy chat.

I think there should be a note that is easily visible so that privacy-minded people who run into this quirk won't see it as a Telepathy problem but a Facebook issue. Maybe something like, "If Facebook doesn't recognize your user name and password, then check [above link] and re-enable Facebook's Platform feature." 

An idea: is it possible that Telepathy could query the Facebook API and see if the user has Platform integration turned on?

Regarding determining your name, it could be even easier explained: "Your Facebook user name can be found and changed here: https://www.facebook.com/username"
Comment 3 Martin Klapetek 2014-04-11 09:53:40 UTC
Thanks for posting back, it's good to know this (which we didn't :)

> An idea: is it possible that Telepathy could query the Facebook API and see if the user has Platform integration turned on?

Maybe; the problem here is that the Telepathy libraries talking to facebook server (telepathy-gabble) is an upstream project and we can't do much there, we're then just a UI sitting on top of that library (and others). So if that library tells us "Network error", we display network error. We /could/ possibly implement a facebook specific error checking ("You've tried to connect 3 times without success, look here <link>"). One problem I see with that is that the link might get outdated and then people will have broken links in there. We can definitely add it to our Troubleshooting guide though.

Anyways, maybe the Platform checking could be done, but it would have to be taken to the upstream Telepathy projects (bugs.freedesktop.org) and discussed there.
Comment 4 Michael 2014-04-12 05:41:54 UTC
Thanks for the tip! I just posted this as a bug to bugs.freedesktop.org for Telepathy's gabble component: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77360
Comment 5 Martin Klapetek 2014-04-12 10:16:02 UTC
Awesome, thanks! I've added myself to that bug so I'll follow it there.
Comment 6 Michael 2014-04-19 01:22:34 UTC
Well, according to the feedback from https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77360 it seems that maybe the best work-around is for the KDE Telepathy Facebook component notice the amount of failed logins and then pop up a message with the suggestion to enable the Facebook Platform in their Facebook's user app settings.