Consider a file with name "école", you can find it searching for "école" but not searching for "ecole", which might be a problem if users use both kind of spellings, ASCII and non-ASCII. Maybe it would be better to be less strict with regard to searching? Reproducible: Always
Confirmed. Fixing this is not that simple, so it won't be done in time for 4.13.
Git commit 59318e9694c0847bcaa5e71a4fbadde877e7a33e by Vishesh Handa. Committed on 23/07/2014 at 11:34. Pushed by vhanda into branch 'frameworks'. TermGenerator: Remove all diarectics from terms We're effectively loosing some information, but it's probably for the best as the user typically will search for words without the accents. We can also expand the query parser to ignore diarectics as well. M +0 -1 src/xapian/autotests/termgeneratortest.cpp M +12 -1 src/xapian/termgenerator.cpp
Would the fix affect bug 328763? What about other runners, in other words, would it make sense to remove diacritics in krunner (or whatever search tool is in Next)?
I don't know how exactly the fix was implemented, but this should also encompass capital letters, and perhaps the "loss of precision" can be resolved by being strict wrt spelling if a search term is quoted or not? I have a file named Blàbla.pdf Searching for blabla should find this file. Searching for "blabla" will not find this file. Searching for "blàbla" may find this file, depending on what requirements the quoting will relax. These should really be options for the desktop search section in systemsettings (which is extremely empty currently).