I recently noticed my system shutting down after 360 minutes whilest i like to have it at arround a minimum of 720 or higher (arround 12 hours+). I compile and also render a lot of projects, and occasionally host some files for the opensource community (torrent). I also monitor some stuff in an 8 hour period (work) which all it takes is a machine that needs to turn on an off automaticly. I can no longer use the "auto shutdown" feature in kde. I hope this is not some goody new "thought of" limit like a recent change the gnome developers did. As for now limiting the features of kde down to an unwanted level is an unusable level, the code is for now unwanted from my point of view since it has no purpose anymore. A small choice is no choice at all. I still hope this is some sort of bug that sneaked in somehow. Although i fear for the worst. (A bug would even be acceptable over an actual limit!) Kind regards. Reproducible: Always
These options are meant for power saving, suspending or turning off the computer after a short period of time, like 10 to 30 minutes. It is definitely not meant as a "shut down the computer after 10 hours" kind of thing. For this usecase you better disable power management altogether and shut down timed by other means. Many applications that execute long lasting processes like rendering video or backups have an option of their own to shut down when the process has completed.