If I create a new folder in KMail it doesn't appear immediately in the folder list. It only appears after I restart KMail. It appears immediately in Akonadiconsole tough. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create a new folder say called "aTest" or some such 2. Look at folder list in KMail Actual Results: Folder appears immediately in folder list Expected Results: Folder list doesn't appear until I restart KMail. MySQL backend is in use. IMAP server is Exchange 2013 cluster. ms@mango:~> apt-show-versions | egrep "(kmail|akonadi)" akonadi-backend-mysql:all/sid 1.11.0-1 uptodate akonadi-backend-postgresql:all/sid 1.11.0-1 uptodate akonadi-dbg:amd64/sid 1.11.0-1 uptodate akonadi-server:amd64/sid 1.11.0-1 uptodate akonadiconsole:amd64/experimental 4:4.12.3-1 uptodate kmail:amd64/experimental 4:4.12.3-1 uptodate libakonadi-calendar4:amd64/experimental 4:4.12.3-1 uptodate libakonadi-contact4:amd64/experimental 4:4.12.3-1 uptodate libakonadi-kabc4:amd64/experimental 4:4.12.3-1 uptodate libakonadi-kcal4:amd64/experimental 4:4.12.3-1 uptodate libakonadi-kde4:amd64/experimental 4:4.12.3-1 uptodate libakonadi-kmime4:amd64/experimental 4:4.12.3-1 uptodate libakonadi-notes4:amd64/experimental 4:4.12.3-1 uptodate libakonadiprotocolinternals1:amd64/sid 1.11.0-1 uptodate
With 4.13 it doesn't depend on a restart of kmail anymore, but the remotely created folder still didn't get synchronized by the imap resource on the first try. I'll need to investigate that.
We need to issue synchronizeCollectionTree regularly. KMail also currently lacks the option to manually refresh the collection tree.
This bug has only been reported for versions older than KDEPIM 4.14 (at most akonadi-1.3). Can anyone tell if this bug still present? If noone confirms this bug for a recent version of akonadi (part of KDE Applications 15.08 or later), it gets closed in about three months.
Just as announced in my last comment, I close this bug. If you encounter it again in a recent version (at least 5.0 aka 15.08), please open a new one unless it already exists. Thank you for all your input.