after 7% creation of schemas stop's,.. about 10 tables initilized to tokudb tables, no thumb nale records. Same system/config whit Aria,... engines works. Problem could related blob's, large data ?
New digiKam 4.11.0 is available with official PKG installer for OSX. Can you reproduce the problem with this release ?
Git commit 3eefa0b7493ee7abb72d6532e618a3769e181e2f by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 02/12/2015 at 21:28. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. Apply patch #95866 to force use of InnoDB engine with all Mysql database table. Related: bug 281838, bug 355831 FIXED-IN: 5.0.0 M +3 -1 NEWS M +40 -21 data/database/