Bug 331560 - Group contacts by Account
Summary: Group contacts by Account
Alias: None
Product: telepathy
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: contactlist (show other bugs)
Version: 0.7.80
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: Future
Assignee: Telepathy Bugs
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Reported: 2014-02-27 07:23 UTC by Jan Keith Darunday
Modified: 2024-09-18 18:14 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Description Jan Keith Darunday 2014-02-27 07:23:28 UTC
Telepathy combines the contact list of all accounts into one list. This is quite bothersome as you'll need to point at a contact just to indentify which account will open when you double click with it.

The solution I propose is to add an option that will group the contacts by account.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Rohan Garg 2014-02-27 12:50:58 UTC
Seems to be a regression
Comment 2 Martin Klapetek 2014-02-27 12:58:17 UTC
It was intentionally disabled since the metacontacts got in. 

The question is what should be displayed when grouping by accounts? That effectively breaks the metacontact as if you have one metacontact from different accounts, would it mean it won't show the other accounts' contacts when grouped by accounts? And if it will simply duplicate the metacontact, then grouping by account is imho broken.

We could possibly duplicate the metacontact and give the highest priority to the given account's contact, so when you doubleclick it, it will start a chat with the contact under the given account.


[ GTalk account  ]
Metacontact 1
|- Facebook contact [online]
|- GTalk contact [away]

...double clicking "Metacontact 1" would start a chat with GTalk contact.
Comment 3 Jan Keith Darunday 2014-02-28 07:07:12 UTC
That could be a viable solution but then the metacontacts would have to appear simultaneously in each account.
Is it possible to completely ignore the existence of metacontacts when sorting contacts by account? (Of course there should be a note about it somewhere that doing so will ignore metacontacts)
Comment 4 Christoph Cullmann 2024-09-18 18:14:27 UTC
Dear user, unfortunately Telepathy is no longer maintained.

Please migrate to another solution, e.g. for Jabber a possibility is Kaidan, for Matrix a candidate is NeoChat.