Bug 331508 - Can't find Kcalc
Summary: Can't find Kcalc
Alias: None
Product: kmymoney
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 4.6.4
Platform: Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KMyMoney Devel Mailing List
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-02-25 23:00 UTC by Mambosatin
Modified: 2017-07-01 09:37 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 4.7.1
Sentry Crash Report:


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Description Mambosatin 2014-02-25 23:00:32 UTC
Can't launch Kcalc from KMymoney since Kcalc is not in the installation package.

Thank you for your help

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 allan 2014-02-26 00:22:49 UTC
On 25/02/14 23:00, Mambosatin wrote:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=331508
>              Bug ID: 331508
>             Summary: Can't find Kcalc
>      Classification: Unclassified
>             Product: kmymoney4
>             Version: 4.6.4
>            Platform: MS Windows
>                  OS: MS Windows
>              Status: UNCONFIRMED
>            Severity: normal
>            Priority: NOR
>           Component: general
>            Assignee: kmymoney-devel@kde.org
>            Reporter: l.sapin@wanadoo.fr
> Can't launch Kcalc from KMymoney since Kcalc is not in the installation
> package.
> Thank you for your help
> Reproducible: Always

Pending an authoritative opinion, I think that you are able to install 
it in the same way you installed KMyMoney, so follow that again and just 
select KCalc.

An expert may be needed is that doesn't help.

Comment 2 Cristian Oneț 2014-02-26 05:53:09 UTC
I need to think about how to fix this. Ship KCalc in KMyMoney or call calc on Windows.
Comment 3 Mambosatin 2014-02-26 16:38:38 UTC
Thank you Allan for your answer,

I installed KMyMoney with the standalone package of installation. I didn't use KDE installer to do this.
But after I discovered the problem, I tried to install Kcalc, with the KDE installer, but unfortunatly, the link between Kcalc and KMyMoney isn't made.
Comment 4 allan 2014-02-26 18:01:02 UTC
On 26/02/14 16:38, Mambosatin wrote:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=331508
> --- Comment #3 from Mambosatin <l.sapin@wanadoo.fr> ---
> Thank you Allan for your answer,
> I installed KMyMoney with the standalone package of installation. I didn't use
> KDE installer to do this.
> But after I discovered the problem, I tried to install Kcalc, with the KDE
> installer, but unfortunatly, the link between Kcalc and KMyMoney isn't made.

I've just had a quick look at this, and it's possible that the following 
may help, although I can't guarantee it.

If you open KMyMoney and select Settings/Configure KMM.... , if you open 
the General view,then the Global tab, at the bottom is 'External programs'.

Here, I see kcalc.  If you can try entering the full path to, I think it 
may be called, calc, including possibly any .exe extension.  Then click 
Apply.  If that doesn't work, exit KMM and restart it.  If that doesn't 
work, I'm afraid you may have to wait on Cristian.

Comment 5 Cristian Oneț 2014-02-27 08:35:22 UTC
Thanks Allan for reminding us that the command line of the calculator is configurable in the user settings. So Windows users could simply change this to calc or calc.exe. Then I'll try to see if we can make the default value of that setting calc on Windows.
Comment 6 Cristian Oneț 2014-09-25 20:54:54 UTC
Git commit b3f2c971150b5e0994f84937808fb2dd38248966 by Cristian Oneț.
Committed on 25/09/2014 at 20:52.
Pushed by conet into branch 'master'.

Use a platform dependent default calculator program.

Since KConfig does not have platform dependent default values, as far
as I know, remove the KConfig default value and implement a platform
dependent default value in code.

M  +8    -1    kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp
M  +0    -1    kmymoney/kmymoney.kcfg

Comment 7 Cristian Oneț 2014-10-07 20:32:18 UTC
Git commit ed66cd2e87fa868dd80d6eda5be82e98bbcd04af by Cristian Oneț.
Committed on 07/10/2014 at 20:29.
Pushed by conet into branch 'master'.

Fix the platform dependent condition checking.

M  +2    -2    kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp

Comment 8 Cristian Oneț 2014-10-07 20:33:51 UTC
Git commit 93ee5db9412c118e39ce20fd97660dd6f9b56a14 by Cristian Oneț.
Committed on 07/10/2014 at 20:29.
Pushed by conet into branch '4.7'.

Fix the platform dependent condition checking.
(cherry picked from commit ed66cd2e87fa868dd80d6eda5be82e98bbcd04af)

M  +2    -2    kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp
