The contact list in the log-viewer shows the contact ID's of the contacts rather than their names. The name of the contact is correctly displayed in the message pane. Avatars, mine or the contact's are replaced by the blue pawn even if correctly shown in the ktp-contactlist window. Reproducible: Always I'm compiling from git master so can test any changes you make at a minute's notice.
Git commit 629cdf97f90cc6538304710d0b9a8994e0fdbc6f by Dan Vrátil. Committed on 17/02/2014 at 17:18. Pushed by dvratil into branch 'master'. Emit modelInitialized() after all AllContactsMonitors finished initial contacts fetch Each AllContactsMonitor emits initialFetchComplete() signal once it finishes fetching all contacts after start. When all monitors from all DataSources have emitted the signal, PersonsModel will emit modelInitialized(). REVIEW: 115833 FIXED-IN: 0.8.0 M +19 -2 src/allcontactsmonitor.cpp M +19 -3 src/allcontactsmonitor.h M +22 -6 src/personsmodel.cpp M +2 -1 src/personsmodel.h M +8 -1 src/plugins/akonadi/akonadidatasource.cpp
Sorry, commit 629cdf97f90cc6538304710d0b9a8994e0fdbc6f does not solve this problem for me.
Dan's patch relies on a cache that is updated by the ktp-kded-module. Could you make sure this is up-to-date and that you have logged out and back in again.
I just updated all the source trees again and recompiled. Logged out of all IM accounts and restarted kded4. The result is the same. The contact list in the log viewer is not updated with the contact name but the messages in the actual log are correctly labeled.
There was an update last night that may have fixed this. It's working for me, could you check again please
Hi. It seems that the update you mentioned solved the issue. I recompiled from the latest master and it works. Thanks a lot.