There seem to be a bad file on my harddisk where Amarok crash on, something around 5 seconds before end. Maybe fade-out-error? Just started with `amarok` its output is: (amarok:1917): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_value_init_and_copy: assertion 'G_IS_VALUE (src)' failed KCrash: Application 'amarok' crashing... Wondering why GStreamer can crash amarok. `amarok --debug` outputs: amarok: BEGIN: void AmarokScript::AmarokLyricsScript::showLyrics(const QString&) const amarok: BEGIN: void LyricsManager::lyricsResult(const QString&, bool) amarok: [LyricsManager] setting cached lyrics... amarok: BEGIN: void Context::ContextView::slotMetadataChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) amarok: END__: void Context::ContextView::slotMetadataChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) [Took: 0s] amarok: BEGIN: void CurrentEngine::metadataChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) amarok: END__: void CurrentEngine::metadataChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) [Took: 0s] amarok: MPRIS2: Album image location is KUrl("file:///home/ruben/.kde4/share/apps/amarok/albumcovers/large/c8c7d6e3a848bfc1a3503a93261af863") amarok: MPRIS2: Queueing up a PropertiesChanged signal amarok: BEGIN: void OSDWidget::show(const QString&, const QImage&) amarok: END__: void OSDWidget::show(const QString&, const QImage&) [Took: 0s] amarok: BEGIN: void LyricsSubject::sendNewLyrics(const LyricsData&) amarok: END__: void LyricsSubject::sendNewLyrics(const LyricsData&) [Took: 0s] amarok: END__: void LyricsManager::lyricsResult(const QString&, bool) [Took: 0.004s] amarok: END__: void AmarokScript::AmarokLyricsScript::showLyrics(const QString&) const [Took: 0.004s] amarok: BEGIN: void LyricsEngine::onTrackMetadataChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) amarok: END__: void LyricsEngine::onTrackMetadataChanged(Meta::TrackPtr) [Took: 0s] amarok: [AbstractDirectoryWatcher] addDirToList for "/home/ruben/Musik/S/System of a Down/2001 - Toxicity (official-album)" amarok: BEGIN: virtual void GenericScanManager::requestScan(QList<KUrl>, GenericScanManager::ScanType) amarok: END__: virtual void GenericScanManager::requestScan(QList<KUrl>, GenericScanManager::ScanType) [Took: 0s] amarok: BEGIN: virtual void AbstractScanResultProcessor::scanStarted(GenericScanManager::ScanType) amarok: END__: virtual void AbstractScanResultProcessor::scanStarted(GenericScanManager::ScanType) [Took: 0s] QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Media Sources dock/BrowserDock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible amarok: [AbstractScanResultProcessor] got 1 directories amarok: BEGIN: virtual void SqlScanResultProcessor::scanSucceeded() amarok: BEGIN: virtual void AbstractScanResultProcessor::scanSucceeded() amarok: END__: virtual void AbstractScanResultProcessor::scanSucceeded() [Took: 0.018s] amarok: END__: virtual void SqlScanResultProcessor::scanSucceeded() [Took: 0.26s] QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Media Sources dock/BrowserDock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing. amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::seekTo(int) amarok: [EngineController] seek to: 180579 amarok: END__: void EngineController::seekTo(int) [Took: 0.004s] amarok: [lastfm] nowPlaying: "System of a Down" - "Toxicity" - "Needles" source: 2 duration: 194 QMap(("album", "Toxicity")("albumArtist", "System of a Down")("artist", "System of a Down")("context", "")("duration", "194")("method", "Track.updateNowPlaying")("track", "Needles")) " <lfm status="ok"> <nowplaying> <track corrected="0">Needles</track> <artist corrected="0">System of a Down</artist> <album corrected="0">Toxicity</album> <albumArtist corrected="0">System of a Down</albumArtist> <ignoredMessage code="0"/> </nowplaying> </lfm> " amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::slotAboutToFinish() amarok: BEGIN: void Playlist::Actions::requestNextTrack() amarok: BEGIN: void Playlist::Actions::play(quint64, bool) amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::setNextTrack(Meta::TrackPtr) amarok: END__: void EngineController::setNextTrack(Meta::TrackPtr) [Took: 0s] amarok: END__: void Playlist::Actions::play(quint64, bool) [Took: 0s] amarok: END__: void Playlist::Actions::requestNextTrack() [Took: 0s] amarok: END__: void EngineController::slotAboutToFinish() [Took: 0s] amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::slotMetaDataChanged() amarok: [EngineController] slotMetaDataChanged(): new meta-data: QMap(("xesam:album", QVariant(QString, "Toxicity") ) ( "xesam:author" , QVariant(QString, "System of a Down") ) ( "xesam:genre" , QVariant(QString, "Metal") ) ( "xesam:title" , QVariant(QString, "Deer Dance") ) ( "xesam:trackNumber" , QVariant(QString, "14") ) ( "xesam:url" , QVariant(QUrl, QUrl("file:///home/ruben/Musik/S/System of a Down/2001 - Toxicity (official-album)/Toxicity (official-album)-03-Deer Dance.mp3") ) ) ) amarok: END__: void EngineController::slotMetaDataChanged() [Took: 0s] (amarok:27912): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_value_init_and_copy: assertion 'G_IS_VALUE (src)' failed KCrash: Application 'amarok' crashing... KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit sock_file=/home/ruben/.kde4/ Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Start this song 2. Wait till 5 secs before end 3. Watching the crash Actual Results: Crash Expected Results: Playing song to end, playing next song in playlist. NOT crashing on bad files.
The current phonon-backend-gstreamer is not recommended, use the vlc backend instead. And please, recompile your amarok, phonon and phonon-backend-gstreamer with debug enabled and provide a backtrace, without this crash report is pretty useless. See also
Well ... I recompiled it with debug symbols, but it doesn't seem to trigger the kcrash-application on my gnome-desktop. Else the problem isn't reproducible while running in gdm. Any Ideas?
"The current phonon-backend-gstreamer is not recommended, use the vlc backend instead." Well I just tried to use it, the PKGBUILD does not change anything, so it's a clean make of the provided source. When it's not recommended the question is, why it is the default?
Because until recently distributions decided to make it the default, the recommendation from the phonon devs is recent and extends to the latest version. Closing for now, please feel free to reopen if you can reproduce this crash with a valid backtrace.