Bug 330271 - Task progress info should show full path to folder being synced
Summary: Task progress info should show full path to folder being synced
Alias: None
Product: kmail2
Classification: Applications
Component: UI (show other bugs)
Version: 4.12
Platform: Gentoo Packages Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
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Reported: 2014-01-21 21:28 UTC by Dennis Schridde
Modified: 2014-01-24 18:19 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Dennis Schridde 2014-01-21 21:28:02 UTC
In the task progress info that can be expanded by the blue upwards arrow in the lower right corner, KMail currently reports "Syncing folder 'foo'". If there are multiple layers of folders, it may not be clear to the user which folder exactly is currently being synced. E.g. there may be folders of the same name in different places of the tree.

Thus I suggest to display the full path to the folder and not just its name.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Laurent Montel 2014-01-24 18:19:48 UTC
Indeed but we can't for the moment. We just have info about file.