While running Marble twice to compare two places, I noticed the map selection panels were different. One version has two combo boxes and two text labels, the other three buttons and a combo (see screenchots). I reproduced the bug by launching Marble several times from the command line using for ((i=0; $i < 10; i=$i+1)); do marble --debug-info 2>log_$i.txt ; done A GUI seems
Created attachment 83812 [details] Screenshot with two combos
Created attachment 83813 [details] Screenshot with buttons
Created attachment 83814 [details] Log with buttons
Created attachment 83815 [details] Log with combos
Here is the end of my report... sorry for breaking it in to parts. The version Marble uses seems to be randomly chosen. I didn't find any way to reliably run it with combos or buttons. I saved the logs I got, see attachments. Louis
Yes, it's intentional. The change is not random though, but depends on the available space: If the panel is large (wrt height) enough, it shows the combo boxes, otherwise the smaller buttons.
So the bug is more about Marble using buttons when it should use combos. I could reproduce again it with Marble running fullscreen (window size of around 1280x980 px). When I resize the window, the combo version appears. Seems Marble doesn't always get the panel window size at launch. It occurs around once every 10 launches, on a very fast processor and disk (could be important if threads are involved).
Still getting the same results using version 1.7.97 from Arch repos. Might be a bug with Qt not triggering some signal.
No longer happens with Marble 2.2.20 and Qt 5.11.2