I had a very bad idea. I decided to rename one large group. And since then, I have contact list messed up. When I want to Shift+Drag to move contact to different group, it is not moved at all. Whole contact list behaviour seems to be messed up a bit. I would welcome also grouping by used account (one group for one facebook account, other for gtalk ...). Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Have a group in contact list 2.Try to rename it 3.Try to move contacts between groups Feel free to ask for more help, though I'm not sure what else I can provide.
David - this got me thinking, why are we not enabling grouping by accounts in kpeople mode when contacts can be in multiple groups? We know the account id of the contacts, so we could do the same moves for accounts and reenable grouping by accounts. As for the reported bug...can you try disabling nepomuk for a bit, rerun contact list and see if things are still messed up?
Hm. Disabling Nepomuk seems to help a bit. So nepomuk is the cuilprit? How can I fix it? Or is it bug I cannot fix that easily myself?
I can't reproduce with kpeople2, a rewrite of our metacontact system