Currently the Marble KDE application stores the owncloud password as plain text in its configuration file. See marble_part.cpp: cloudSyncManager->setOwncloudPassword( MarbleSettings::owncloudPassword() ); Change that to use kwallet for storing the password. See e.g.
Git commit 3a062854bf9da1b1035594efc5ecce5e2cda1295 by Dennis Nienhüser, on behalf of Mihail Ivchenko. Committed on 06/12/2013 at 21:15. Pushed by nienhueser into branch 'master'. kwallet support for owncloud sync GCI task #5279620895080448 REVIEW: 114089 M +3 -0 src/apps/marble-kde/marble.kcfg M +78 -0 src/apps/marble-kde/marble_part.cpp M +4 -0 src/apps/marble-kde/marble_part.h