hi, just a word to signal I tested today the wacom module, and it's not working for calibrating a Cintiq 21ux connected to a laptop. ( v 2.0+git , compiled from source ). Video card : Intel Gfx card ; Kde 4.11.x ; Arch, mesa driver ; Intel CPU ; Manjaro(Arch) Updated. Screensetup : ( laptop 1920x1080 embed device + Cintiq 1200x600 ) After going on the GUI , 4rth tab 'Tablet' , map tablet area ( button off the geometry of the dialog ) , calibrate sub-button ( reaching a 3rd level modalception GUI :-P ) , the calibration target finally appear , but when finishing clicking the 4 targets , pressing Ok. The calibration obviously didn't worked. Also, cursor need to be pre-setup to be mapped on Cintiq screen to click target ; if the screen of the Cintiq keep default setting ( mapped to both screen ) clicking on the target become impossible. Result : the cursor get 'trapped' on the middle of the 2 screen ; or the cursor is not affected by a calibration.
Dear Bug Submitter, This bug has been stagnant for a long time. Could you help us out and re-test if the bug is valid in the latest version? I am setting the status to NEEDSINFO pending your response, please change the Status back to REPORTED when you respond. Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Hi, thanks for the auto reminder. The Wacom tablet module changed totally in the meantime with plasma5, it also changed owner/maintainer ; and I have no longer the 21UX. So, let close this bug as "resolved unmaintained"(because no answer since 2013 was not really a good indicator of a project being maintained. :D )