Hi guys. Recently i did some FX and found that constraints are vital things for FX making. 1) I would like to wish Selection constraint for picked are (Tile Based). X-Tiles, Y-Tiles, Size. If I make a pick on a canvas i would like to get Selection Tile, for example (128x128px of 32 tiles). 2) It would be cool if Move tool ill have constraint to move for a distance X,Y. For example to move to 128px steps. Here is my screenshot explanation: http://i.imgur.com/QVF4BlF.png Here is my FX for testing: http://i.imgur.com/gwphhgg.png DmitryK said it's possible to add. Thanks. :)
Part of this is done, part of it is part of the grid stretch goal. WISHGROUP: Stretchgoal
These have been added by now. You can snap to grids with selections and define increments for the move-tool. I've been using them myself with tile-editing.