All items you have in the partners or asset lists have action icons to the right. However it is unclear what happens when you click on them. There is no tip of what they may do on mouse hover - which I expected.
I've reported the problem informally as well. According to Aaron this is a problem with Sencha, the UI framework used. Let's hope it can be fixed.
Git commit 3ec8c93f450d7f8d03c71c6fb92ef5c33a6bc42b by Marco Martin. Committed on 28/10/2013 at 10:49. Pushed by mart into branch 'master'. init the tooltip manager M +3 -1 views/accountmodify.jade M +2 -0 views/assetList.jade M +1 -0 views/assetStats.jade M +3 -1 views/assetforms/createAsset.jade M +2 -0 views/assetforms/createObsAsset.jade M +2 -0 views/assetforms/massCreateAsset.jade M +3 -1 views/home.jade M +1 -2 views/index.jade M +2 -0 views/partnerApprove.jade M +2 -0 views/partnerList.jade M +2 -0 views/publishAsset.jade M +3 -1 views/storeList.jade