Hello there, i have trouble remapping my gamepad because there is no simple way to remap buttons in Linux !AT ALL!. Its cool, that we can calibrate analog sticks, but .. most of games in Linux expects controller to be Xbox one (with no chance to actually reconfigure it). I got a Wireless PS3 controller from SpeedLink with some issues - (Cross button should be "A" button, but in reality its Triangle) and i have NO option to remap it. You may have seen the Steam's Big Picture controller settings dialog. Thats pretty much way it's supposed to look like. The problem about Steam is it does not make controls system-wide or at least games-wide. Feel free to consider my idea. It will be needed anyway as soon as Linux will spread into players more. I might do a mockup too if you have no idea what i am talking about :) Have a nice days Schmaker Reproducible: Always
Guess this bug is not a case anymore as both steam input and SC-controller works well with pretty much any gamepad. Marking as resolved