while listening a FLAC file at 16/44.1 i plugged in my external hd and song stopped and restarted at 32/48. I have a notification saying "The audio playback device hw0,0 does not work. Falling back to HDA intel PCH". Other notifications doesn't produce the same issue, even plugging in again the same device. Anyway this bug is not recent. my setup: arch 64bit, pure alsa (samplerate_best by default in /etc/asound.conf), gstreamer backend, notification player audio output is set OFF in kcmnotify, playback defaults to hw:0,0 in every category. debug output attached, problem happens at line 117 Reproducible: Always
Created attachment 82640 [details] debug
Pulseaudio should prevent this issue.
like many users, i don't use PA nor i do intend to use it (Bluesystems' NetrunnerOS doesn't too) because: 1: i don't need it, 2: cpu hungry, 3: not a kde hardep, 4: i want simple hw: output. so yours is no real solution that apport NULL justifications. this is indeed a (phonon/-gstreamer/solid/kcmnotify?) bug and the fact that you don't want to fix it doesn't mean that no one else is interested to fix it. so reopened. debug output: http://pastebin.kde.org/pi06eifwd/yqby5o pw:325588 cheers
Yeah whatever.