When renaming a dictionary file, the old file name remains in the katerc, kilerc, etc. This causes the new dictionary file to be not usable at all in several applications. For example after renaming de_DE_frami.dic to de_DE.dic, selecting the language "german (germany)" for spell checking (which should be now linked to the de_DE dictionarry file) causes the spell checking to be disabled. To fix this issue a deletion of the following lines did help for me: ~/.kde4/share/config $ grep -ir "_frami" * katerc:defaultLanguage=de_DE_frami kilerc:defaultLanguage=de_DE_frami I is important to mention that even selecting english spell checking and than switching back is not fixing the problem. I am not sure as this is a katepart specific problem or if this is located in sonet, but the error only occurs to me in the above shown applications. therefore i am opening this bug for katepart. So katepart or sonet should detect cases where the dictionary file is not availible anymore and correct the setting automatically (ideally to the same language as before or to the default language settings for kde). I detected this issue after renaming the de_DE_frami.dic to de_DE.dic in gentoo linux, because enchant otherwise falls back to de_CH even when de_DE_frami is selected. The corresponding gentoo bug is linked in. Reproducible: Always
IMHO this is a sonnet issue.
Dear Bug Submitter, This bug has been stagnant for a long time. Could you help us out and re-test if the bug is valid in the latest version? I am setting the status to NEEDSINFO pending your response, please change the Status back to REPORTED when you respond. Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
The Problem here seems to be gone partially: - kate / kile / etc no longer save the setting on their own. Instead the setting is stored in .config/KDE/Sonnet.conf. - after a dic-rename, switching the language in system settings or kate to another language and switching it back does solve the issue. However, if the dic file of the selected spell checking language in the system settings is renamed (or no longer existent), the change is not detected or no error is displayed. In my example. the configuration still displays "German (Germany)". The manual switch and backswitch (as described above is required), which is quite intransparent to the user. Thus, I propose to add some check if the dictionary referenced still exist on the system. However, I am not quite sure, how the correct handling of this situation would look like. I see the following options: * If a dictionary is just renamed (and the language is still available) -> just correct the setting silently. * if the dictionary is no longer available, reset the settings and issue an error message to the user, that he might want to reconfigure its spell settings.