I have been using older versions of digiKam successfully on my OS X 10.8.4 machine. I upgraded my MacPorts to the latest (digiKam 3.4.0_0, kde 4.11.1_0). Now when I launch digiKam, it starts up, but when I click on a folder in the navigation pane, no thumbs are displayed, and digiKam hangs. Beachball of death. When I run digiKam from the command line, no errors are output at hang time. I tried deleting the databases, but after re-adding the image folder it hung again. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open digiKam. 2. Click on an Album in the left-hand navigation pane. Actual Results: digiKam hangs. Need to force quit the app. Expected Results: Thumbnails displayed.
when port package is processed, you need to run manually these lines : > launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist > /opt/local/bin/kbuildsycoca I use a macbook pro here, and digiKam work as expected... Gilles Caulier
digiKam 3.5.0 is out. Can you give a fresh feedback about your report ? Problem still reproducible ? Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier
Problem is not reproducible here under OSX / Maverick / macbookpro / KDE 4.11.5 / Qt4.8 / digiKam 3.5.0. I use a huge collection. There is no hangs out of application. Gilles Caulier
I met a similar bug but was able to find more detailed information about how to provoke it and also a workaround for recovering from it. See Bug 330598.