Bug 323508 - Time zone selector does weird things when filtering
Summary: Time zone selector does weird things when filtering
Alias: None
Product: Active
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: Applications (show other bugs)
Version: PA 4
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: unscheduled
Assignee: active
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Reported: 2013-08-14 20:04 UTC by Thomas Pfeiffer
Modified: 2019-04-23 15:41 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Thomas Pfeiffer 2013-08-14 20:04:52 UTC
When I enter e.g. "Ber" in the Timezones dialog in the Date and Time module of Settings, it finds nothing. When I then clear the filter, everything from Europe/Berlin on upwards is permanently removed from the list! It appears again if I enter some specific other letters (not sure which ones they are)

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open Settings
2. Go to Time and Date
3. Tap "/etc/localtime"
4. Enter Ber
Actual Results:  
Shows nothing

Expected Results:  
Should show Europe/Berlin and Atlantic/Bermuda
Comment 1 Arnd 2013-09-10 19:55:45 UTC
I can partly confirm this. I have seen this behaviour, but not reproducible, sometimes it works.

Just selecting the Time and Date panel produces 20% CPU load permanently, fan turns on (WeTab).
Scrolling in the list can increase this upto 100%. The list is very unresponsive, especially the clear button.
Scrolling can change the behaviour of the filter.
Comment 2 Andrew Crouthamel 2018-11-10 03:20:04 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been stagnant for a long time. Could you help us out and re-test if the bug is valid in the latest version? I am setting the status to NEEDSINFO pending your response, please change the Status back to REPORTED when you respond.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 3 Arnd 2018-11-19 08:44:45 UTC
Dead Product. Can't test it anymore.