1. "Settings" - "Configure" 2. "General" 3. Under "Terminal" specify e.g. path to sakura, lxterminal, qterminal etc and apply Observed: Terminal still uses konsole 4. Remove konsole from system Observed: Prompt appears that konsole is required. Why is there such setting when it's not taken into account? Could it be made that it works with other terminals?
I assume you are referring to the embedded terminal emulator (shown at the bottom inside Krusader)? The setting is only for the external terminal (e.g. started F9). The embedded terminal must be Konsole, its a KDE widget. But to avoid confusion we should rename "terminal emulator" to "embedded terminal" everywhere(?)
I'm not using KDE for years now ... so just from my memories - as far as I remember there is way similar to midnight commander to switch between pane-navigation and terminal (I had it setup to be full-screen inside krusader, so either full-screen two panes or CTRL+O and full-screen terminal). Yes, I was expecting changing terminal would affect what was shown in this "internal" mode. Altering terminology would solve this confusion.
Though I recall now one of the reasons for this was I got rid of KDE in favor of LXDE and wanted to keep Krusader without all KDE bloated stuff and this was one of the blocking things then so I had to move to elsewhere, not sure how today. cheers
Krusaser *should* run fine without KDE (with installed KF5 libs). But as I said, for the embedded terminal Konsole is the only possibility.
Yep, the case is 3.5 half years old :) ... so it was situation then when I did this.
Git commit d64df0a2f792707de0bb74f53e1105205b9795b1 by Alexander Bikadorov. Committed on 07/01/2017 at 21:18. Pushed by abikadorov into branch 'master'. Renamed "terminal emulator" -> "embedded terminal" in all settings to avoid confusion. + added "External" to label for terminal command line setting M +3 -3 krusader/Konfigurator/kggeneral.cpp M +2 -2 krusader/Konfigurator/kgstartup.cpp M +2 -2 krusader/kractions.cpp https://commits.kde.org/krusader/d64df0a2f792707de0bb74f53e1105205b9795b1