Widgets and associations located on a class diagram uses float coordinates, which are also saved as float coordinates into xmi files. When loading xmi files those coordinates are loaded as int values, which may results in wrong positions of widgets and/or assocation line points. https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdesdk/umbrello/repository/revisions/master/entry/umbrello/widgets/umlwidget.cpp#L1294 https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdesdk/umbrello/repository/revisions/master/entry/umbrello/widgets/associationline.cpp#L440 Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. open umbrello 2. place two classes 3. create an assocation between them 4. autolayout vertically 5. add several line points 6. save as xmi file 7. reload xmi file Actual Results: some line points may be displayed on a different place. Expected Results: line points should be displayed after loading as initial entered There may be two possible solutions: 1. save coordinates as int values 2. load as float coordinates
Use solution 2. Reason: Graphics View Framework uses floating point precision. See: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/graphicsview.html#performance
Git commit ed108d8437c5b5d542613745d0579f0ada0cffb6 by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 24/06/2013 at 21:57. Pushed by habacker into branch 'master'. Fixed bug removing the fractional digits when load widgets coordinates from xmi file. M +6 -6 umbrello/widgets/associationline.cpp M +2 -2 umbrello/widgets/floatingdashlinewidget.cpp M +2 -2 umbrello/widgets/messagewidget.cpp M +3 -3 umbrello/widgets/umlwidget.cpp http://commits.kde.org/umbrello/ed108d8437c5b5d542613745d0579f0ada0cffb6