Trying to calibrate a joystick here and according to : there should be a meter at the bottom left of the calibration window letting you know where the current axis position is in relation to the joystick. The meter is just not visible here. I don't think it's the joystick at fault here. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install joystick yum package 2. plug in joystick 3. systemsettings 4. Select Input devices -> Joystick -> Calibrate 5. Click OK 6. Wait for the wizard to start and move the joystick to the first requested position. Actual Results: The meter is not displayed. Please see attached photo. Expected Results: The meter is displayed as pictured here : (The picture at the very bottom of the page.) Please compare the difference between the very last picture on this page : and the screen shot I will attach to get a quick overview of the issue.
Created attachment 80180 [details] A screen capture of the issue
There was a dip switch on the joystick. I guess kernel module issue not systemsettings.