Bug 320047 - improvements for mailman pages
Summary: improvements for mailman pages
Alias: None
Product: www.kde.org
Classification: Websites
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Kete
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Reported: 2013-05-20 12:48 UTC by Lydia Pintscher
Modified: 2013-05-26 15:02 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Lydia Pintscher 2013-05-20 12:48:17 UTC
I love what Wikimedia and Openhatch did with some of their mailman pages:

The code for Openhatch's is at https://github.com/aldeka/eventslist and if anyone is interested I could also try to digg up Wikimedia's.

It'd be lovely if we could improve the layout of our mailman pages too.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Kete 2013-05-26 12:22:33 UTC
I made a public git repository at http://kete.ninth.su/neverland.git
It needs the site's CSS/HTML classes/IDs for the following:
* float the logo to the right and make sure the content starts below the Twitter header.
* if there is a global class for italics, please replace inline italics.
* I did not include the mailman images at the bottom. Their list needs the following li tag CSS rules:
** display: inline;
** list-style-type: none;
Comment 2 Ingo Malchow 2013-05-26 14:41:16 UTC
* floating: class "pull-right" or "pull-left"
* italics per se are done with emphazise, so putting them into <em> tags
Comment 3 Kete 2013-05-26 15:02:29 UTC
added the pull-right class and added rules for the other styles that I mentioned