About a month ago, I placed a temporary folder with music on my Desktop. Amarok was configured to include $HOME into its Local Collection, so it scanned the folder. Then I deleted the folder but Amarok still show tracks from it in the Collection and shows unexistent paths in their Track Details. The tracks cannot be «removed to Trash» from context menu. The tracks can be deleted totally from context menu, but I don't want to manually do it manuallyfor all the collection checking for file path of every track. I have tried rescanning the collection, removing $HOME from collection, restarting Amarok, restarting computer, upgrading Kubuntu and restarting Amarok again. :-) Nothing of these helps. Reproducible: Always Expected Results: All the deleted files from the folders which are not included in Collections should be removed from it.
Git commit e66883e92d3986eabe18be92c38311c7d3a232c4 by Matěj Laitl. Committed on 01/07/2013 at 21:44. Pushed by laitl into branch 'master'. SqlRegistry: delete orphaned entries from the urls table, too ...in addition to removing other orphaned items. It sometimes happened that an url entry with non-existent directory remained in the db, which prevented SqlScanResultProcessor from cleaning it up properly. BUGFIXES: * Fix a problem where ghost tracks would remain in the Local Collection until the database is wiped. FIXED-IN: 2.8 M +2 -0 ChangeLog M +8 -0 src/core-impl/collections/db/sql/DatabaseUpdater.cpp M +6 -0 src/core-impl/collections/db/sql/DatabaseUpdater.h M +4 -0 src/core-impl/collections/db/sql/SqlRegistry.cpp http://commits.kde.org/amarok/e66883e92d3986eabe18be92c38311c7d3a232c4
Thank you very much, it looks similar to what I did manually on the database to solve the problem.
(In reply to comment #2) > Thank you very much, it looks similar to what I did manually on the database > to solve the problem. Oh fine. You could have told that the problem may be url entries orphaned by directories, I've found it just by accident. :)