(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***) Package: konqueror Version: KDE 2.2.0 Severity: normal Installed from: Unspecified BSD Compiler: Not Specified OS: FreeBSD OS/Compiler notes: Not Specified Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Cookies -> Advanced -> "Delete All" should popup a prompt window to ensure that user really wants to delete all cookies before doing so. (Simple UI issue not a crashing bug) (Submitted via bugs.kde.org) (Called from KBugReport dialog. Fields Application KDE Version OS Compiler manually changed)
Hi You wrote: > Settings ->=20 > Configure Konqueror ->=20 > Cookies ->=20 > Advanced ->=20 > "Delete All" should popup a prompt window to ensure that user really wants > to delete all cookies before doing so.=20 In KDE 3.0 the cookies aren't being deleted until the user selects "Apply" = or=20 "OK". This gives the user the possibility to cancel his/her changes in case= =20 of a mistake so I think it is not needed to ask for confirmation first.=20 It is possible that this was different in KDE 2.2.x Thank you for your feedback. I close this report. Cheers Waldo --=20 bastian@kde.org | SuSE Labs KDE Developer | bastian@suse.com
Waldo, I think it is a bad design. Settings dialog is huge in Konqueror, so it is really not useful to force user to drop all (I mean _all_, not all cookies) changes just to undo last cookie deletion. Note, that [cancel] button applies to whole settings dialog, not only cookies. On the other hand I am wondering if such big beast should not be working in similar mode as KControl (confirm/cancel per each module/tab).