If I have a bunch of files open over sftp. When I hit reload all, eventually the still loading passive notification appears. This notification disappears for the currently active file, but when I switch to another one, it appears, and only disappears after I've switched to a third file and back to the second one. This doesn't happen with every file, only files that take longer to load and trigger the notification. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open a lot of files over sftp to cause the still loading notification to appear (I'm not sure if it'll happen with local files) 2. Hit File->reload all 3. Switch to another file (if the notification is not there, keep switching until you find a file that took longer to load and triggered the notification) Actual Results: The still loading notification appears Expected Results: The still loading notification should not appear (if the file has finished loading) Kate 3.9.97 Kde 4.9.97
Also, when using split views, the notification gives them a minimum width, preventing them from being resized.
For the resizing issue, please see bug 313521.
Git commit e4659ad77653189f4f5e9c8525c46e03961ffad8 by Dominik Haumann. Committed on 17/02/2013 at 23:12. Pushed by dhaumann into branch 'master'. remove loading message prior to posting new one FIXED-IN: 4.10.1 M +1 -0 part/document/katedocument.cpp http://commits.kde.org/kate/e4659ad77653189f4f5e9c8525c46e03961ffad8
Git commit a028c142e2fb216a69cb45b72c5d772b5e98715d by Dominik Haumann. Committed on 17/02/2013 at 23:12. Pushed by dhaumann into branch 'KDE/4.10'. remove loading message prior to posting new one FIXED-IN: 4.10.1 M +1 -0 part/document/katedocument.cpp http://commits.kde.org/kate/a028c142e2fb216a69cb45b72c5d772b5e98715d
This is stil happening in Kate 3.10.1
Nikola, please reopen the bug if the issue is not fixed. Maybe you might need to clarify the steps needed to reproduce.
The steps I described in the description will reproduce the issue, always.
I figured it out, it doesn't always happen. I have a kate session with 4 different files visible on start (ui is split into 4 views). If I load the session, the messages appear and after the files are loaded, there are no stuck messages. Then if I hid reload all, it still works perfectly. But if I switch to a file that was not visible before, and then hit reload all, the message will appear for all five files now (the four that were originally visible, plus the new one I switched to), and it will be stuck in the background for the one file that was visible before, but now isn't. If I switch back to that file (make it visible again), the message will be there, and will only disappear if I switch away and back. As I continue to use kate, I switch to different files, and it seems that after a file has been displayed once, its state changes forever, and the message can get stuck on it.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 323092 ***