Bug 312628 - Accounts disconnect due to a "network error" without displaying useful information
Summary: Accounts disconnect due to a "network error" without displaying useful inform...
Alias: None
Product: telepathy
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 0.5.1
Platform: Gentoo Packages Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: Future
Assignee: Telepathy Bugs
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Reported: 2013-01-04 19:25 UTC by Dennis Schridde
Modified: 2015-12-11 18:32 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Dennis Schridde 2013-01-04 19:25:39 UTC
I often receive the notification, that an account got disconnected due to a "network error". What is lacking, is some meaningful error message as to what actually happened.

I imagine something like "Network error (remote closed the connection)" or "... (connection timeout)" or something like that. Possibly with a report-a-bug button, where I see a more detailed log of the connection or the last stanzas that were sent/received.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Martin Klapetek 2013-01-04 20:08:45 UTC
I think there is a way how we can display more detailed error and actually it's being printed on the console.

Please follow these steps:
1. Disconnect
2. run 'kquitapp kded'
3. kill mission-control-5
4. run 'kdebugdialog'
5. enable debug output and make sure debug for kded and kded4 is enabled
6. run 'kded4' from konsole
7. connect
8. now you should see some "KTp/telepathy" lines in the konsole
9. wait for the error to happen 

Now in the output you should see some lines starting with 'ErrorHandler::onConnectionStatusChanged: 2'

Look at those if they contain any useful information (also post the output here), if yes, we can display them to the user.
Comment 2 Dennis Schridde 2015-12-11 18:32:50 UTC
This is ancient. I didn't encounter the issues in a while.