Over the past 6 years, I exclusively used Thunderbird. It has an extension called "Copy Sent to current" (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/thunderbird/addon/copy-sent-to-current/). With this addon, it is possible to save the "sent" mail to the currently active folder. After using this for a few years, this has become really helpful in organising my e-mails, as the *whole* conversation can be easily followed in one folder. By default, the conversation is "split" into the "inbox" and "sent" folder, which makes it a lot harder to follow. KMail already has a feature that comes *very* close. This is the ability to display the "Sent-Mail folder" in the composer. Unfortunately, this defaults to the folder configured in the identity. If it would - in case of a reply - default to the "current" folder (in other words: the folder which contained the original mail, it would become *much* more convenient. Preferably, this behaviour should be possible to enable/disable in the configuration dialog.
implemented from a lot of years in kmail. folder->property->keep response in folder.
Thanks! I did not look there for this option. Is it also possible to activate this globally? Such that it even counts for newly created folders?
There is a bug about define globally some folder settings. Will look at for 4.11 if i will implement it.
Thanks a lot. But for now, I can live with the per-folder settings. It will do nicely. If I forget to switch it on, I will find out quickly anyway. From my point of view, I consider this a non-issue now. Everything else, like global settings, is just icing on the cake.