Akonadi Console Version 0.99 Using KDE Development Platform 4.9.4 "release 4" When starting akonadiconsole I get hundreds of messages error reports QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified Why does akonadieconsole try to open a file hundreds of times without a filename?
"Why does akonadieconsole try to open a file hundreds of times without a filename?" because it's a bug ?:)
Maybe! I don't know but would not be surprised if it is.
This bug has only been reported for versions older than KDEPIM 4.14 (at most akonadi-1.3). Can anyone tell if this bug still present? If noone confirms this bug for a recent version of akonadi (part of KDE Applications 15.08 or later), it gets closed in about three months.
Just as announced in my last comment, I close this bug. If you encounter it again in a recent version (at least 5.0 aka 15.08), please open a new one unless it already exists. Thank you for all your input.