Kubuntu 12.04 last update caused clock to change to UTC time. i changed it back to EST time. why did the last update change time? seems to also happen when i reboot.
Are you talking about Kubuntu Active or the normal Kubuntu?
normal kubuntu, i have been using it for some time now (it's installed on my hd), but each i get an update or i reboot, something goes weird with the digital time/clock app in the bottom launcher tab happens, the time reverts to UTC, but i am able to change it back, just that's it's weird doing that.
This has nothing to do with Plasma Active. It might be a Kubuntu-specific problem, but I'll reassign it to Systemsettings to see if they can make use of it.
I can't do much with this information; hopefully it's been working better since? The new timedated backend in 5.3 might fix it also. Note that Plasma clock can show a differnet time from the system time .Run "date" in a command line to see if the system clock is correct.