Right now, the date picker in the incidence editor allow users to choose via a simple menu between 9 different options : - Next year - Next month - Next week - Tomorrow - Today - Yesterday - Last week - Last month, and - Last year. First I find the order in which this list in display counter-intuitive. I think "Last year" should be on top of the list while "Next year" at the bottom. Secondly, reading through a list without any visual cues can be difficult, so I created a quick mockup in which I grouped thoses 9 options in 3 different groups ("Last", "Current", "Next"). At first I though about putting those 9 options one the same line, but I guess that could go wrong with some languages. The attached .png mockup (the .ui is just plain bad) is just to show you my idea, and can't be reproduced like that ; I'm sure some could add some graphic improvements to this (ie. using icons for yesterday and tomorrow ? for all 9 options ?). Let me know what you think of this. Reproducible: Always
Created attachment 75783 [details] Date picker mockup
KOrganizer just uses KDateComboBox from KWidgetAddons