Bug 311503 - Scrollbar in Add Widgets almost invisible with new Air theme
Summary: Scrollbar in Add Widgets almost invisible with new Air theme
Alias: None
Product: plasma4
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: visuals (show other bugs)
Version: 4.9.90 Beta2
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Plasma Bugs List
Keywords: regression
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Reported: 2012-12-11 09:48 UTC by Anne-Marie Mahfouf
Modified: 2013-06-03 11:33 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

the visual bug (88.64 KB, image/png)
2012-12-11 09:48 UTC, Anne-Marie Mahfouf
difficult to read due to transparency (178.55 KB, image/png)
2013-01-13 14:24 UTC, Marco Menardi

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Description Anne-Marie Mahfouf 2012-12-11 09:48:08 UTC
With the new Air theme, the scrollbar in the Add Widgets applet is almost invisible. After it is moved with the mouse it gets a light blue halo which makes it better to see but it's still difficult.

Reproducible: Always

See screenshot
Comment 1 Anne-Marie Mahfouf 2012-12-11 09:48:54 UTC
Created attachment 75781 [details]
the visual bug
Comment 2 Kai Uwe Broulik 2012-12-11 18:40:11 UTC
It is also a bad thing it doesnt have Up/Down or Left/Right buttons. In Oxygen you can configure this behavior but Plasma just uses its theme and that's it.
Comment 3 Marco Menardi 2013-01-13 14:24:42 UTC
Created attachment 76437 [details]
difficult to read due to transparency

Consider that transparent background makes difficult to read the writing, in my example was trying to add a widget. I think that usability suffers a lot.
Comment 4 Aaron J. Seigo 2013-06-03 11:33:41 UTC
i'm torn as to what to do here. the experiment with the horizontal strip is not a successful one. i don't think making the scrollbar behave in a non-standard way or making the scrollbar so overt that it ruins the other areas of the interface where it is used are great solutions. i'd rather see a re-think of this component in general that does not rely on such things in the first place.

as such, i'm going to mark this as WONTFIX. not because i think this isn't a problem, but because i don't think this is the symptom to address.

@Kai: sorry, arrows won't be appearing in the desktop shell UI scroll bars.  try placing them everywhere to see why this is horrible visually and lends little if any benefit in most places in the shell.

@Marco Menard: the blur effect is not working for you, which blurs the behind the windows. this makes the text very readable. also, please try to keep bug reports about one thing at a time :)