I like the wide range of layers that you can choose in Marble. As for the night view layer, the current resolution seems like approx. 5 km per pixel. Is there a chance to get higher res up to a level when you can distinct major clearways? Thanks Ralf Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: This is a wish. Select night level and zoom in to town level. Actual Results: Towns are single blurred spots. Expected Results: Streets can be seen as bright lines. I read about mapmaker of national geographic, supposedly being able to render earth at night at higher zoom levels, but failed to confirm.
Similar direction: The temperature maps have currently a fixed class width of 10 centigrades. The resulting maps are already good on a global level to both demonstrate the range of temperatures according to latitude and deviations according to maritimity. But as you zoom in, you will find major Europa in one single colour. Hence I suggest, either to improve classification to get a more differentiate view (possibly by classes of different width), or to build in a dynamical classification adapted to the shown segment of earth (this would of course mean that the legend had to change dynamically, too, unless you add an option 'global classification'. What do you think? Worth another wishlist bug?
A new night theme "Black Marble 2012" is in the works, see http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8079205
SVN commit 1356048 by nienhueser: Add Earth at Night 2012 map theme. M +10 -0 maps-4.5.xml WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1356048
I think we could get an ever higher resolution when using the 54k x 27k pixel image from http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/view.php?id=79765. Guess we can't handle it with tilecreator though but need something like gdal (maybe gdal2tiles.py could help).