Recent implementation of scene item selection is still based on the former scene api. This should be migrated to a QGraphicsScene implementation. Reproducible: Always
I opened a development branch for this ticket on . Single and multiple widget selection is already working, except for note widgets, which are not selectable. Any hint or fix welcome.
SVN commit 1326036 by habacker: Made QGraphicsObject a common base class of WidgetBase and UMLWidget. M +2 -2 associationwidget.cpp M +2 -1 associationwidget.h M +0 -3 enumwidget.h M +38 -16 umlwidget.cpp M +11 -17 umlwidget.h M +31 -1 widgetbase.cpp M +7 -2 widgetbase.h WebSVN link:
Git commit 1bef292bafda864caf9183366b19f556f8bc24e3 by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 25/11/2013 at 21:10. Pushed by habacker into branch '310283-qgraphicsscene-selection'. Migrate current implementation of it scene item selection to a QGraphicsScene based one. M +7 -18 umbrello/widgets/associationwidget.cpp M +1 -4 umbrello/widgets/associationwidget.h M +3 -3 umbrello/widgets/messagewidget.cpp M +9 -5 umbrello/widgets/umlwidget.cpp M +2 -14 umbrello/widgets/umlwidget.h M +8 -1 umbrello/widgets/widgetbase.cpp M +2 -0 umbrello/widgets/widgetbase.h
reopended because feature is not ready
Git commit 9b9682dca8f2b31cc70f684e10f3adf35c8d86ec by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 26/11/2013 at 02:22. Pushed by habacker into branch '310283-qgraphicsscene-selection'. Try to fix widget resizing. M +17 -13 umbrello/widgets/umlwidget.cpp
Git commit 3d3cc92b4c1bfa3a5671b5c75407fca66cba8c9c by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 26/11/2013 at 13:50. Pushed by habacker into branch 'master'. Provide UMLWidget::paint() with option parameter, it holds the selection and hover state. M +15 -15 umbrello/widgets/messagewidget.cpp M +5 -5 umbrello/widgets/messagewidget.h
Git commit fa45c5437b91cce02b98478efe8694b6551ff18e by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 25/11/2013 at 21:10. Pushed by habacker into branch 'master'. Refactor WidgetBase derived classes to use setSelected() and isSelected() from QGraphicsItem instead of self provided members/methods. M +7 -18 umbrello/widgets/associationwidget.cpp M +1 -4 umbrello/widgets/associationwidget.h M +3 -3 umbrello/widgets/messagewidget.cpp M +8 -5 umbrello/widgets/umlwidget.cpp M +2 -14 umbrello/widgets/umlwidget.h M +14 -1 umbrello/widgets/widgetbase.cpp M +2 -0 umbrello/widgets/widgetbase.h