Aurorae as a KDecoration decoration could make use of the additional resize area.
Git commit fb862b7ec9e3ba1e25c69322d4e02ceeaec698ee by Martin Gräßlin. Committed on 27/12/2012 at 08:51. Pushed by graesslin into branch 'master'. Extended Border support in Aurorae Aurorae Themes can make use of the extended borders feature to allow resizing outside the window decoration area. So far only Plastik makes use of it in the Tiny border case. This should be extended in future by adding generic NoSideBorders and NoBorders sizes as used by Oxygen. FIXED-IN: 4.11 REVIEW: 107936 M +30 -0 kwin/clients/aurorae/src/aurorae.cpp M +2 -0 kwin/clients/aurorae/src/aurorae.h M +4 -0 kwin/clients/aurorae/src/qml/Decoration.qml M +19 -0 kwin/clients/aurorae/themes/plastik/package/contents/ui/main.qml