Bug 308515 - Browser freezes with either more than one instance or more complex website open
Summary: Browser freezes with either more than one instance or more complex website open
Alias: None
Product: Active
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: Applications (show other bugs)
Version: PA 3
Platform: unspecified Other
: NOR critical
Target Milestone: Future
Assignee: active
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Reported: 2012-10-16 21:52 UTC by Thomas Pfeiffer
Modified: 2019-04-23 15:17 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Thomas Pfeiffer 2012-10-16 21:52:12 UTC
When you either have a website open in Browser and start a new instance and load a website there or sometimes when you just load a website with lots of images and JS ans stuff on it (like www.web.de , for example), the system completely freezes or sometimes, it seems like plasma-mobile crashes and does not restart, since the top bar vanishes and does not come back, or Browser itself crashes.

Reproducible: Sometimes

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open Browser
2. Load www.web.de
3. Scroll a bit up and down or tap a link


1. Open Browser
2. Load a website
3. Open another instance of Browser
4. Load a website here


1. Open Browser
2. Load a website
3. Long-tap a link
4. Choose "Open link in a new window"
Actual Results:  
The whole system freezes or plasma-mobile crahes or Browser crashes

Expected Results:  
Nothing bad happens, just some loading time or a "Javascript takes too long to load" message if that's the case.

It does not happen 100% of the time, but pretty close too 100%. This makes everyday browsing impossible.
Comment 1 Aaron J. Seigo 2012-10-17 18:41:54 UTC
can you launch active-webbrowser from a konsole and see what happens when it crashes? i'm wondering if this is related to using an opengl view as i'm seeing a good number of errors here on that. or perhaps it is elsewhere in the webkit<->qml bridging; could you provide a backtrace of the crash?
Comment 2 Thomas Pfeiffer 2013-02-05 19:35:49 UTC
Testing a bit I didn't have any complete freeze or browser crash. What still happens is that Browser eats up pretty much all of the CPU, rendering the system close to unresponsive.
And at one point it made plasma-mobile restart itself.
Comment 3 Wromey 2013-02-07 08:19:19 UTC
Yesterday I had for the first time the same behavior. System updatet on 05.02.13. 
After opening a link in a new browser-page, browser became unresponsive an after a while the system crashed and started anew.

Wolfgang Romey
Comment 4 Thomas Pfeiffer 2013-03-26 21:09:47 UTC
Browser does not crash anymore, but with a few windows open (which happens rather quickly e.g. if you open some target=_blank links), CPU usage goes up to 100% pretty quickly, as well as memory usage. I don't know if there is some quick remedy for this...?
Comment 5 Thomas Pfeiffer 2013-08-09 11:53:49 UTC
Nothing we can do with qtwebkit1. We revisit this when we are on qtwebkit2