After fixing the timezone in active-settings I expected the time in the top bar to follow the checkbox and use 12 hour format, but it didn't. I tried toggling it on and off and it stayed the same. Reproducible: Always Expected Results: I expected the time format in the top bar to use the same format as specified in the time configuration screen.
24 hour clock is good enough for everyone ;) seriously though, if you restart the device does it pick up the setting correctly?
Sure doesn't. Restarted and checked the checkbox is unchecked but the clock currently says 13:05.
It switches immediately now. The non-24-hour clock is a bit small, but that's not what this bug is about, so I'll mark it as fixed.
Just installed PA4 on exopc and it doesn't switch immediately here. In fact it never switches. Also if I switch to Screen and back to Time settings window, the options I changed are forgotten. Also, the timezone doesn't seem to make any change and setting set time from doesn't update the clock here either.