There are active audio/video-call-button in text chat windows for skype contacts that do not work. I just realised that audio and video-calling via pidgin-skype works at least in pidgin when following the instructions in Unfortunately the same does not work in KDE telepathy. In the kde-telepathy text-u there is a an active audio and video call button with skype contacts. But nothing happens when clicking on them. Since KDE telepathy uses pidgin-sykpe it shouldn't KDE telepathy be able to use it? Reproducible: Always
Thanks for the report. Is there any chance you can try this with Empathy? If it works there, it's a problem on our side, if it does not, then it's a backend problem and very little we can do about it.
I tested it with Empathy. Both the video and the audio call button work. I could not however find out how skype out calls work, although in configuration specifically allows to activate skype out calls. So if you attempt to fix the audio and video call buttons, it would be cool, if you could look into skype out too.
At our last meeting we decided that we'll drop Skype support until there is a proper/better working Telepathy solution. Closing this, sorry.