When the connection drops, it prints "You are now offline", when it reconnects, it should show "You are now available/away/whatever", but it does not.
Git commit 8131e68532d74aba3d82c75d087566797e2bb891 by Martin Klapetek. Committed on 04/10/2012 at 19:05. Pushed by mklapetek into branch 'kde-telepathy-0.5'. Call the onContactPresenceChange directly without connection checks The connection status at this point is still Tp::ConnectionStatusDisconnected and so the check for connection being Tp::ConnectionStatusConnected would never pass, which leads to not printing the "You are now marked as Available" line when reconnecting, leaving the "You are now offline" as the last message in the chat. The contact presence at this point is already correct, so we can just bypass checking the connection and call it directly. Reviewed-by: David Edmundson FIXED-IN: 0.5.1 M +2 -3 lib/chat-widget.cpp http://commits.kde.org/telepathy-text-ui/8131e68532d74aba3d82c75d087566797e2bb891