tkdiff supports this syntax when used from commnadline: tkdiff : a1 b1 : a2 b2 : a3 b3 This is used by perfoce for example. It would be very cool if kompare could support this syntax too. Basically it makes a diff of a1/b1 + a2/b2 + a3/b3 and displays everything in the same window (same as when you make a diff of a directory). Reproducible: Always
Kompare just doesn't support 3-way diffing. The 3_way_kompare development branch was supposed to add that, but AFAIK this was never implemented even on that branch. Try KDiff3.
Hum the example was misleading, it's not related to 3-way diffing. New example: tkdiff : a/foo b/foo : a/bar/foo b/bar/foo : /dev/null b/new Will display output off diff a/foo b/foo diff a/bar/foo b/bar/foo diff /dev/null b/null