Bug 306488 - Power management lock up PC and will not wake.
Summary: Power management lock up PC and will not wake.
Alias: None
Product: khelpcenter
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR critical
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Documentation Editorial Team
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Reported: 2012-09-09 11:39 UTC by Ryan Hitchcock
Modified: 2012-09-09 14:02 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Ryan Hitchcock 2012-09-09 11:39:55 UTC
For the last two versions of Kubuntu I have had to disable my power management by typing "xset -dpms" into a console.. Every time I use Ktorrent it re-enables it and I have to repeat the solution..  The problem is that when KDE's power management tries to put my computer to sleep it locks it up.. My keyboard and mouse just lock up with no way to wake the computer without a reboot.. This has only started doing this since after the last two distros...  Also, I've been an avid Linux user since Dapper Drake.. I've seen my share of bugs... Some I have even seen reoccur like mounting flash drives, copying data, but not copying the entire amount of said data, and unmounting issues..  Look, I'm a Linux fan.. but yall update every six months with a new version and you can't ever seem to get the basics right..  Something has got to change.. As boring as Windows 7 is.. it's dependable.. the registry is clumsy over time but BASIC THINGS WORK...  I loaded Kubuntu on my mother's laptop a couple of years ago.. I was just over there today and tried to put in an SD card in to copy data to the hard drive.. I was running an apt-get upgrade at the time and it bombed that out and corrupted the data.. So then I tried to just copy the data with no other procedures.. .it failed..  The copy pretended to complete and 0kb was transferred per file.. Her version was Lucid.. C'mon!! BASIC STUFF!! FAILS!! .. Then I go to register with a forum to report bugs and yall are pretentious enough to give me an algebraic equation before you'll allow me to register?! I answered it correctly, but F YOU! You crafty Linux gurus are so arrogant! How about use that genius to get simple features to work. Microsoft can and has... Hang your heads in shame.. and straighten your act out.. slow down.. and get the basics right.. There are so many things I love about Linux in general that would squash Apple and Microsoft if yall just slow the f down and do quality over speed.. Now I have seen lots of bugs fixed from distro to distro.. Congrats on that... but as far as modern-day graphical operating systems go - you are undependable, erratic, and unstable.. 

Reproducible: Always