The commit in kdelibs: 6344c4f0505f7a0994bd7f36e5c607959d2dfbcf breaks qt creator's file dialog for qmake. See the bug report . The root cause of that is that the filter in the line ops->setNameFilter('*' + filter.replace(' ', '*') + '*'); is "qmake-qt4 qmake4 qmake". Obviously we want to match exactly those files, not "qmake-qt4*qmake4*qmake" Reproducible: Always
Git commit 692d5bb79649cbfb5290089e585708d5dd1b30e2 by Michael Pyne. Committed on 03/09/2012 at 21:53. Pushed by mpyne into branch 'KDE/4.9'. kshareddatacache: Add simple fallback spinlock. This is a very simple spinlock busy-waiting class to allow for a process-shared, shared-memory lock when the operating system does not provide a suitable anonymous lock. Based on code from Till Adam and Thiago Macieira. One of the intended targets is OpenBSD which doesn't seem to support sched_yield, so they get nanosleep instead. This check should be shifted to a CMake check once that patch is integrated. Since this spinlock "should work everywhere" I remove support for finding thread-only locks (to be clear, support for such has always been a bug itself). If no standard POSIX primitive is available for process-shared use we fall back to this spinlock. Code was tested by artificially forcing the spinlock to be used, removing all caches, and then running the test case and several heavy users of the class (e.g. KPat and lskat). This should hopefully be sufficient to eliminate the crashing experienced in OpenBSD although I intend to continue merging the CMake cleanups (but in KDE/4.10). FIXED-IN:4.9.2 M +77 -15 kdecore/util/kshareddatacache_p.h
Sorry, closed out the wrong bug. :-/
Daniel is this still occurring in recent KDE / qtcreator?
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This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 30 days. The bug is now closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME due to lack of needed information. For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the wiki located here: Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!