kterm: any text selected with mouse should be also copied. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.kterm 2. select text 3. do ctrl_v somwhere else. Actual Results: nothing or old stuff is returned. Expected Results: selected stuff should be returned. i was listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNaeBAliSbU and typing this feature request.
This seems to be a wish for Konsole, not for Plasma Active
Do you mean konsole? kterm seems to be a completely different thing (or is that the old name?). Isn't Ctrl-Shift-C and/or right click menu working? I don't think copy on select is the right clipboard behavior[2]. Maybe you want to have a look at PRIMARY selection[1] and paste with middle button. Some clipboard manager including klipper support the PRIMARY selection which holds the text you are currently selection. And btw, fcitx also support pasting from both CLIPBOARD and PRIMARY selection now. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_selection#Clipboard [2] http://www.jwz.org/doc/x-cut-and-paste.html
Yes, there is kterm, but I don't think the reporter means that one. "kterm" ==> "KDE Term" ==> Konsole ? Putting that naming thing aside, the report is still not clear enough. Does the reporter want : * copy-on-select; well, in the XWindow world, the common practice is when you select something, it is put into 'selection' automatically. Then you can use middle mouse button to paste from "selecion". "Selection" + "Ctrl+V", that combination won't work, unless you use klipper to sync "selection" and "clipboard". * ctr-v as the default shortcut of pasting in konsole, as in most other applications; No, there is valid reason to not assign ctrl-v as the default shorttut of pasting, becuase ctrl+v is the default escape sequence for tty input. But of course you can change that shortcut to Ctr-v and use stty to change the escape sequence to something else.
@e3k , please describe and explain your requested feature clearly in this report itself, instead of relying others to try and guess what exactly "putty style copy" means.
hi Jekyll, yes it is the copy on select functionality you described. and sorry i did not know that ctrl-v has also a funktionality behind it in terminal. and thank you i did not also know about paste via middle button. i think this feature request is then pointless.
Thanks for the feedback. Then close this report. Actually, konsole since KDE SC 4.9 does support the " copy-on-select" feature by itself (disabled by default). That is a per-profile option under the "Mouse" section.