Bug 305847 - I cannot get my Application Launch menu
Summary: I cannot get my Application Launch menu
Alias: None
Product: Active
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: Application launcher (show other bugs)
Version: PA 1
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: unscheduled
Assignee: Marco Martin
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-08-27 02:29 UTC by Jessie
Modified: 2012-12-06 20:18 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Jessie 2012-08-27 02:29:25 UTC
Really I have  no idea what to   do, one  day  I changed  my mouse settings to  hoover and  it  deleted  my start up task manager. A friend  of  mine  put this  system on my  computer and  it  is all greek to  me. After  he  installed  it  he  hung himself and  now  I am  just  lost. He said  he  could  could  fix anything  for  me  from over the  internet anytime anywhere  but  he failed to  mention  he was  going to  his  grave.  The  Kpackage Kit distribution upgrade  just  came to  me Precise 12.04.1 LTS  maybe  I don't  even  have it to  upgrade it but   it  asked  me  to  send  for a bug fix. If you know anyone  who could assist  getting  my Quick Launch programs menu back I would  love that, as well as  helping me  out  to  allow a  Kindle  fire  to  to download  things from the  internet..Thank You!
Comment 1 Jean Cayron 2012-08-27 11:03:00 UTC
Jessie, what you describe is not a bug. It is just a problem you have. It should be solved isealy. This is not the place to discuss it.
I suggest you'd tell your problem on the appropriate forums to get support:
Comment 2 Thomas Pfeiffer 2012-12-06 20:18:14 UTC
As Jean said, this looks like a support request rather than an actual bug, so this is not the right place. Closing.