Under specific circumstances, inkscape/X take 100% of the CPU when using the oxygen style. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create any kind of shape in inkscape. Say a rectangle. 2. Apply a filter on this shape from the FIlters menu 3. Open the filter editor Filters/filter editor Actual Results: Inkscape/X take 100% of the CPU because it redraws constantly the upper right box in the editor where there are the "Effect" and "Connections" columns along with a connections diagram. Expected Results: No extra CPU is used compared to the default gtk style.
How did you determine that it redraws that box?
Hello, I used the kwin "Show Paint" plugin. Regards, Médéric
OK, I can reproduce. It's because of our inner shadows hack. Meanwhile you can disable the hack by setting OXYGEN_DISABLE_INNER_SHADOWS_HACK env var to some value before running inkscape, if your performance drop is too severe to use it.
can reproduce also Now this is a heavily customized widget. I suspect an actual bug in the widget itself. As soon as we connect to the targetExpose event, even when doing nothing in there, the recursive painting occurs. We'll likely have to dig into inkscape code to figure out more. For the record: widget is a gtkmm__GtkScrolledWindow, child is a gtkmm__GtkTreeView. Now, the list on the left of the guilty widget has the same signature, and does not show the problem. Will investigate further.
Thank you for the bug report. As this report hasn't seen any changes in 5 years or more, we ask if you can please confirm that the issue still persists. If this bug is no longer persisting or relevant please change the status to resolved.
Still reproducible with Oxygen-GTK 1.4.6-60-ga507b85c from Ubuntu 20.04 repo and Inkscape 0.92.5 from the same repo.