When open certain pdf files, the text of the file is not appear (see the example file in the url). Problem whit file? Probably: when open whit rapid see of google the problem is reproducibility (only images, not text), but, when open whit LibreOffice Draw, the text is present, complete and readable. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Download the file and open, not text 2. Open whit Google ( https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:KWhpybtAKaMJ:https://www.afpmodelo.cl/media/upload/paginas/2012/07/14_cta_ahorro_vol.pdf+&hl=es&gl=cl&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShyIhyEiOgChNfaNx4lhFCgnJa-U8KyFBmy-tDZcmmJXHS6Q_NaKHFDYSv699k1w2zZH6ubGisPx94l4hGmkvmMSVxRG19LECA7gwBpcC2SXt8Dm-Ynb_1N036PoBJxUGc42b8P&sig=AHIEtbTBgUedqzTZ2JyuQem7GoY_yxRs8Q ) and not text 3. Open whit LibreOffice Draw and readable text
Hi logre, thanks for reporting this bug, but it is not a bug in Okular. It is a bug in poppler, the library we use to render pdf files. Please go to https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=poppler and file a bug there. Thanks again for caring about Okular and reporting this bug :-)
Ok, sorry and thanks :)